Starting your very own wedding planning business?

Girl, you came to the right place!

If you love l - o - v - e, if you have a knack for organization, an eye for design and an obsession with the pretty little details...

Why not get paid for it?

As a Wedding Planner, you get to be the last smile a bride sees before she walks down the aisle, the go-to girl for all things logistics and the oh-so-important person that pulls all of the magical strings together.  

And people pay you for it! Pinch me.

And here's the best news, you don't need a piece of paper (i.e. certification) to rock this industry. Trust me, couples don't want to see your piece of paper, they want to know that you know your stuff from every possible angle, that you have the tools and resources to make their day magic and that you have a serious love for the process (so they can relax and enjoy the ride).

This isn't your typical stuffy wedding planner training.

We're working together and we're covering EVERYTHING!

Total transparency - If you want to become a Wedding Planner, this opportunity is a gold mine. You won't find another program, or another REAL planner (who also happens to be a business strategist) that is going to give you this much information, resources, tutorials and templates. Period.


Best News Yet: Confidence! Time and time again my clients tell me that this program brings them the CONFIDENCE they needed to step out and step up as the business building bada&% they knew they could be. If you're hiding in the shadows, wishing for clients, it's time to rise to the occasion in a big way, my friend.

I have spent 13 years in the event industry sharpening my skills and mixing them with my love for business building. 

After moving to a brand new city, with not one single connection, I launched my wedding planning business and quickly built it from a little side-hustle to a full-time, 6-figure, gig. I’m here to show you how to do the same so you can build a powerhouse company that not only pays the bills, but allows you to be an important part of something beautiful. 

I'm telling you ALL THE THINGS and giving you EVERYTHING I have used to build my successful wedding planning business. 

When I started, I charged my first client $500 to plan their $5,000 wedding. (Let's make sure you skip that step, ok?) 

Now, I'm planning and coordinating multi-six figure events and I've turned, what was once a side-hustle, into a full-time wedding planning business.


There's power in numbers and we're all in this together. 

What's better than a group of aspiring wedding planners, coming together to 


If you're brand new to the event world, if you have a few weddings under your belt or if you planned your best friend's wedding and loved every minute of it, this is for you. We are covering everything: start to finish, top to bottom. 

(You would be better off asking what's not included because I'm including everything I can possibly think of that I know you will need.)

3+ hours of training's per month on focused topics 

Each month you will receive 3+ hours of training's that are focused on answering all of your questions about business, wedding planning and everything in between. (And the things you don't even know to think about!) In each training I walk you through each topic showing you step-by-step exactly how I do everything and how you can implement each thing in your own business. 

Up to 3 completely personalized website reviews

My eyes on your website giving you completely customized feedback to help you fine tune your online presence. Each review will be a completely personalized video of me walking and talking through your business website offering feedback, suggestions and ideas to make sure your website stands out above all the rest.

Monthly LIVE Q&A's!

Every month I will host a LIVE Q&A right in the private Facebook group where you can ask any and all of your questions and we can talk through any of the issues, victories, or hurdles you are facing in your business. This is my FAVORITE (and I believe most valuable) piece of the Mastermind. 


Members only Facebook page

Ask ME all your of questions and receive responses, share your progress for encouragement and your struggles for support. This is direct access to me for 12 months straight! Added bonus: Insight from your business minded peers. As we go, questions WILL come up. Things you didn't even know you would need to ask, that's when this feature becomes a key piece to your training. You're getting a hands-on mentor/coach (me!) "all up in your business", literally, so we can MAKE SURE you launch and build with confidence and the knowledge to back it. Access to this Facebook group + the monthly LIVE Q&A gives you EVERY opportunity to ask and get straight answers so you can keep moving forward and growing your business (no more sitting and stewing on decisions!). 

Templates Galore!

I'm giving you my Client Contract, Timelines, Layouts, Checklists: EVERYTHING I use to run my successful event planning company.


Tutorials for all of the digital/online planning tools that I use to streamline and simplify my business.

Access FOREVER + ALL future updates!

The training's and template's are yours to keep forever. Keep coming back to them, re-watch whenever you AND get all of the updates for FREE! Every time I add lessons/modules to the Mastermind, you automatically get them!

  • Making Your Business Legit and Legal: What you need to know to legally receive money from clients and how to protect yourself and your business

  • Packaging & Pricing + How To Respond To Inquiries That Convert To Sales

  • Client Contract : Dissecting My Client Contract + Get an Editable Copy to Keep!

  • Wedding Budget + Design : How-To's, Templates and so much more!

  • Timelines + Layouts: Running a perfectly timed and flawless wedding day

  • Client & Vendor Relationships: What to do and when; What you cover as a planner and what to say 'no' to

  • A detailed breakdown of the entire planning process (take it and make it your own!)

  • Multiple training's on branding your business and identifying your ideal client 

  • A series of training's on exactly how to get more inquiries in your inbox AND how to on-board new clients. 

  • How to market your business in your area and how to stand out among the "competition"
  • Up to THREE completely PERSONALIZED website reviews (my eyes, on your website, helping you make it amazing!)

  • And (literally) so much more. 

Start Date: 

January 1st

End Date: 

December 31st 

(You read that right. We're doing this thing for a year. Because I want you to build a business that can withstand the test of time.)

It's your time - let's do this!

Enroll once, Have Access Forever!

  • Madi Payment Plan (9 x $55)

    Pay In Full

    Buy Now
  • 8 x $55.00

    May Join - Payment Plan

    Buy Now
  • 10 x $67.00

    10 monthly payments of $67

    Buy Now
  • 12 x $60.00

    Payment Plan

    Buy Now

Are you a Mastermind Alumni?

Get access to mentoring for ALL of 2020 PLUS access to ALL new 2020 training's!

CLICK HERE to gain exclusive alumni access (at a MAJORLY discounted rate!).


We get it! We're ride or die, but sometimes we have questions too.

We're here to help! If you have any questions at all, feel free to email us at: [email protected]


If you select the "payment plan", you are committing to completing your payment plan because that's what good/honest people do. But if for some reason, you decide to drop out early, you MUST give 30 days notice to withdraw.