You should already know - I'm SO happy you're here!

If you're on this page, it's because you already "completed" the Mastermind course and you're eager to continue learning and growing. {Hooray!}

You unlocked all of the training's, you (hopefully) watched all of the videos, and you're well on your way to building your business. 

It's my hope and sincere prayer for you that you have seen growth in your business as you have learned all that I have shared with you. 

BUT - we never stop learning. 

One of the MOST powerful things I ever did for my business was to hire a mentor/coach. Someone to let me learn from their mistakes so I could move faster and build bigger than they did. Someone to hold me accountable. Someone to be there when I had the most random questions and the hardest hurdles.

I'm here to be that person for you.

Members only Facebook page

It should go without saying, this is one of the most powerful pieces of the Mastermind. You will be back in action in the PRIVATE 2020 Mastermind Facebook group where you can "go crazy" asking all of the questions that keep you up at night. But seriously, all of the questions that make you think "How the heck do I handle this" or "What should I say/do now?". Literally, no question is a stupid question when it comes to the Facebook group.

Ask ME all your of questions and receive responses, share your progress for encouragement and your struggles for support. This is direct access to me for 12 months straight! Added bonus: Insight from your business minded peers. As we go, questions WILL come up. Things you didn't even know you would need to ask, that's when this feature becomes a key piece to your training. You're getting a hands-on mentor/coach (me!) "all up in your business", literally, so we can MAKE SURE you build with confidence and the knowledge to back it.

Personalized Website Reviews

Up to 3 completely personalized website reviews. This is my eyes on your business website, giving feedback, advice and literally a personalized review made just for you to make sure you greet potential new clients with that "Wow!" factor as soon as they land on your website.

Monthly LIVE Q&A's!

As if being able to ask any and all of your questions in the Facebook Group (24/7 for 365 days) isn't enough - we're doing one LIVE Q&A every. single. month. These will be held in the private Facebook group. Jump on and ask your questions in real time so we can literally talk through them in person. {I know I always say certain parts of the Mastermind are my favorite, but I seriously LOVE the Live Q&A's. They are legitimately my favorite part of the Mastermind.|


Access FOREVER + ALL future updates!

The training's and template's are yours to keep forever. And you already have those. Keep going back to them, re-watch whenever you need to AND get all of the updates for FREE! Every time I add modules, you automatically get them. It's that simple. HINT: There WILL be new training's and tutorials added in 2020 that ONLY 2020 members will have access to!

Important: FAQ

Will I receive new training's every month?

In short, not necessarily. The training's that the brand new Mastermind Planners will be receiving each month are the same training's that you have already received, that's why you are able to join at a significantly reduced rate. BUT, there WILL be additional BRAND NEW training's sprinkled throughout 2020. You WILL receive those BRAND NEW training's to add to the 25+ hours of training's you received with your initial Mastermind enrollment. 


Start Date: 

January 1st

End Date: 

December 31st 

(You read that right. We're doing this thing for a year. Because I want you to build a business that can withstand the test of time.)

It's your time - let's do this!

Enroll once, Have Access Forever!


We get it! We're ride or die, but sometimes we have questions too.

We're here to help! If you have any questions at all, feel free to email us at: [email protected]


If you select the "payment plan", you are committing to completing your payment plan because that's what good/honest people do. But if for some reason, you decide to drop out early, you MUST give 30 days notice to withdraw.