get more inquiries = sign more clients

Regardless of where you are in your business, we could all use MORE inquiries and if not more, than BETTER inquiries.

Do you dream of inbox where new client inquiries are dropping in multiple times a week?

Here's what I know for sure : Your ideal clients are out there looking for you. Your soulmate clients NEED your help to plan their wedding, but they also need to be able to find you first.

Let me guess...

You have a website, you're posting on social media, you think you're doing everything right but... you're still not bringing in the volume of business it would take do this full-time.


Clients are reaching out to you, but their budgets are too low to include your services, or they aren't the type of client you DREAM of working with. I have taken my love for weddings (13 years and counting in the wedding industry!) and mixed it with my knack for business to build a six-figure wedding planning business in a brand new city (no connections, no leads, no friends to convince to hire me) and I'm telling you exactly how to did it!

If you're ready to call in your dream clients and scale your business in a big way...

I'm your girl.

Psst....Did you know couples spend about $73 BILLION dollars per year on weddings in the United States? There's money to be made!

What we will cover:

A 4 week break-it-all-down course that covers the in's and out's of seeing a big influx in the your inquiries from potential clients. And not just how to attract them, but how to seal. the. deal.

Week 1: Creating a consistent brand

   Because consumers (i.e. your potential clients) will ONLY align themselves with a brand that they love. Especially when it comes to their big day.

Week 1: Nailing your marketing message

   Speak DIRECTLY to the heart (shot to the heart!) of your DREAM clients. Draw them in with content that they can't say "no" to!

Week 2: Where to find your ideal clients

   You're going to learn how to find them, regardless of who they are, and put your face in front of them. (With your badass marketing message!)

Week 3: Refining your inquiry and onboarding system

   So you got them to click the "contact" button on your website, now what? How you respond to their inquiry could lead them to "ghost" you. So frustrating, right? Stop losing clients to your weak inquiry responses.

Week 3: How to implement a followup system that seals the deal

I've signed so.many.clients from the followup. It works again and again and I'm showing you EXACTLY how I do it.

Week 4: "Closing the deal" and signing your dream clients. Again and again.

They clicked "contact", you got them to a consultation, you laid out everything you can offer, now what? What to do after the consultation and how to "close the sale" and sign your clients again and again!

What's Included:

4 Training Videos (1+ hour each)

You will receive 4 pre-recorded training's covering the topics outlined above. Each of the training's will be accessible in your own personal portal for your convenience, because everyone's schedule is different. I get it, I worked full-time at a 9-5 while building my business. PLUS I want you to be able to watch and rewatch as many times as you want so this program will be yours forever!

Printable Workbooks

Each lesson comes with your own printable workbook that you can work through at your own pace. Because let's face it, sometimes it's MOST helpful to be able to hash out your ideas on paper. 

It's your time - let's do this!

Pay once, Have Access Forever!


We get it! We're ride or die, but sometimes we have questions too.

We're here to help! If you have any questions at all, feel free to email us at: [email protected]