Let's make money!

There's a serious (seriously dumb) stigma around making money.

Here's what I know for sure : Making money allows you to serve (your clients, your community, your family, your world). It allows you to bring more goodness into the world, to run a powerhouse business, and to pay for the life you want and deserve.

So how do you make money? How do you build a money making (force to be reckoned with!) business? How do you match your level of service with the price tag you put on your website? How does it all connect and have clients throwing money and signed contracts at you?

If your pricing isn't perfectly matched to your services and your market, your ideal client will never hit the "contact" button on your website. If you do what everyone else is doing, you won't set yourself apart in a big way.

We're Breaking . It . Down .

Psst....Did you know couples spend about $73 BILLION dollars per year on weddings in the United States? There's money to be made!

I have taken my love for weddings (12 years and counting in the wedding industry!) and mixed it with my knack for business to build a six-figure wedding planning business in a brand new city (no connections, no leads, no friends to convince to hire me) and I'm telling you exactly how to did it!

If you aren't sure what services to offer, what packages to build and what price tag to put on all of it - this is for you!

There is SO . MUCH . MORE to it than Full Planning, Partial Planning and Coordination/Event Management. 


What we will cover:

A 4 week break-it-all-down course that covers the in's and out's of seeing a big influx in the your inquiries from potential clients. And not just how to attract them, but how to seal. the. deal.


A 3 week break-it-all-down course that covers all things pricing and packaging and your Wedding Planner services.

Week 1: What Business Costs (i.e. overhead) to Expect 

   What it costs to establish, run, and market a business.

Week 1: How WHO you are can and should determine what you offer to your clients 

Week 2: Structure your planning packages 

   What to include and what to leave out. What to expect and how to plan for the what you do include. What I include in my Planning and Coordination packages and how to set yourself apart from the "competition"

Week 3: A La Carte Services   

What add-on services can you offer your clients? How to hook new clients with an a la carte service and transition them to a paying planning client

Week 3: Pricing your planning packages

Establishing competitive price points based on your experience, pricing yourself correctly in your market, percentage based pricing vs. flat rate pricing and everything in between. 

Week 3: Owning your worth and dropping the fear around feeling like a "fraud" and making money. 

How to price your services so you MAKE MONEY and feel damn good about it! Drop the fear of feeling like a fraud for charging what you KNOW you're worth. Step confidently into your pricing structure!

BONUS: A {downloadable} black and white, easy to read, outline of exactly what I offer in each of my planning packages.

In the end, you will have the dollar signs and details of your planning packages nailed down {and feel damn good about them!}

What's Included:

3 Training Videos  (1+ hour each)

You will receive 3 pre-recorded training's covering the topics outlined above. Each of the training's will be accessible in your own personal portal for your convenience, because everyone's schedule is different. I get it, I worked full-time at a 9-5 while building my business. PLUS I want you to be able to watch and rewatch as many times as you want so this program will be yours forever!

**Note - training videos were originally recorded "live" so you also get to hear and see students questions answered as the lesson progresses.

Printable Workbooks

Each lesson comes with your own printable workbook that you can work through at your own pace. Because let's face it, sometimes it's MOST helpful to be able to hash out your ideas on paper. 

It's your time - let's do this!

Pay once, Have Access Forever!


We get it! We're ride or die, but sometimes we have questions too.

We're here to help! If you have any questions at all, feel free to email us at: [email protected]