Planning a wedding doesn't have to be difficult.

But it has to be done right...

You can have the most beautiful logo and the most polished website, but if your planning process is scattered and chaotic, clients will not hire you or refer their friends to you. 

Over the years, I have seen SO many different approaches to planning a wedding. 

Every planner has a different approach but ALL planners use the same "bones" to structure their planning process. 

The Truth...

I have messed up, mis-stepped, forgotten things, felt unorganized and all around 'dropped the ball' at many points in my career. 

I don't want that for you. 

In the beginning, if someone would have just said: "Do this, then this" I would have been SO MUCH better off. 

So I'm giving you the "do this, then this" bones of planning a wedding.

How hard could it be?

Someone recently commented on one of my Facebook posts and said:

"Get engaged.

Book vendors. 

Spend way too much money.

Have the wedding.


Where is my 6-figures? It's not that hard."

Riiiggghhhttttt. {insert eye roll}

It's not difficult, it's actually REALLY simple. BUT it has to be done right. 

A smooth planning process. An organized structure and confidence in saying "these are the next steps" are EXACTLY what your clients hire you for. 

How can a client feel confident with you at the helm, if you don't even know what's coming next?

About "The Perfected Planning Process":

As a life + business strategist I get SO many messages and emails from women who are dying to start their own business to provide a little extra income for their families, to retire their husbands, or just to be in a career that makes their soul sing (and if your soul doesn't sing a little praise song at every wedding, you came to the wrong place because I'm singing ALL the praise songs over here!). 

BUT... they have only planned their sister's wedding, or their own wedding. Or they have a logo, but aren't sure how to lead someone through the planning process with confidence. 

I've taken YEARS (and YEARS) or experience and condensed my COMPLETE planning process, start-to-finish, into ONE training. 


I'm walking you through EXACTLY how I take a client from the point of signing a contract with me, all the way through the planning process to their wedding day. 

I'm sharing what I say to them, what I say to vendors, how I often (and when) I do meetings, and so much more!

What I will cover:

- What you need to do BEFORE you sign a Full Planning client (or asap if you already have)

- The EXACT order that I book vendors for clients and how. And exactly how you can fit that process into your own business. 

- What I say to vendors and clients in emails throughout the booking process

- What I am doing "behind the scenes" throughout the planning process

- What I do in the 30 days leading up to the wedding day 

What's Included :

1 Full Video Training (The entire "Full Planning" process, start to finish)

Pre-recorded so you can watch at your own convenience. (Because I know you're a busy lady!)

BONUS: Downloadable slides so you can easily refer back to the process.

BONUS: My complete "Wedding Planning Timeline" (The pacing guide I share with my clients and the exact order that I book vendors)

BONUS: A "Perfected" Wedding Day - Video Training

Exactly what I do on a wedding day from start-to finish

Meet Adriel!

I'll cut straight to the heart of it all - I'm a former middle school teacher (which means I've spent day in and day out with the craziest of all age groups), mom of 2, who turned a little dream into a FULL-TIME, six-figure company. It's that simple. 

Fast forward to the now - I'm a Wedding Planner and a Life + Business Strategist. 

What's a 'life+business strategist'? - I teach women how to start a business and make kick a$% money, all while having a life. Seriously. Anyone can start a business, but MANY business owners burn out. I specialize in teaching YOU how to start your business without giving up the things you love. I believe in, and base my life on, working smarter, not harder. In making damn good money and in planning the wedding's of my client's dreams. And I believe, in a BIG way, in teaching you how to do the same.

I'm a no nonsense, tell it how it is, cut the chase, kind of girl. I don't sugar coat things and I don't believe in withholding information. Like, if I find an amazing product, I'm telling you where to get it, how much it costs and exactly what aisle it's on and I'm no different with my business.

I didn't take the straight path, I took the long path. But I want you to take the easier route so I ALWAYS share everything I know to set you up for success. And that's exactly what I'm doing in this program! 

No holding back, friend. We're going all in. 

Let's do this!

It's your time - let's do this!


We get it! We're ride or die, but sometimes we have questions too.

We're here to help! If you have any questions at all, feel free to email us at: [email protected]